2024 Program Topics & Workshops (In progress)

Keynote Speaker & Panel

Keynote Title To Be Announced
Dr. Weiser


Health System Resiliency/Heat
Dr. Kouklis
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Climate Drivers of Migration
Zina Semenovskaya, MD, FAWM, ISTM
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Algae Blooms/Water Contamination
Dr. Lewandwoski
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Climate Health Today/Migration
Dr. Millstein
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Burn First Aid – a Paradigm Shift and Blister Care – To Pop or Not to Pop.
Mary Bing, MD, MPH
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Pediatric Emergencies in the Wilderness
Daniel Gragert, DO, MPH
This will be a workshop focused on real-life issues with regards to helping children enjoy the most remote of settings safely. It will cover multiple practical situations with a conversations on salient points for both parents and medical professionals.

Suturing and Wound Care in the Wilderness
Ben Hunt, MD, FACS
We will go over various techniques for managing wounds in resource-poor environments, where you may be the most qualified person available to care for the patient. We'll cover hemorrhage control, wound debridement, suturing, delayed primary closure, managing contaminated and infected wounds, and management of chronic wound complications such as fistulas, keloids, and contractures.

Extreme Exposure - Impacts of Heat and Cold Exposure
Dr. Kouklis
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Bites, Stings, and Dangerous Things
Jordan Rode, MD
Join us for a dive into the world of snakes, ticks, spiders and other creatures! We'll look at the various patterns of identification, disease processes and current treatment options for many of the planet's dangerous inhabitants. You won't want to miss it!

Avalanches and Climate Change: Risk Assessment and Medical Management in a Changing Climate.
Dr. Ahern
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Fever in the Returning Traveler
Zina Semenovskaya, MD, FAWM, ISTM
Small group case discussion reviewing the principles and approaches to evaluating, diagnosing and treating patients presenting with a fever secondary to travel-related illness.

Tenets of Search and Rescue, Navigation and Surviving the Unexpected in the Wilderness
Dr. Hill
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Cultivating Discussion Around Migrant Populations and Access to Healthcare: Perspectives from a Front-Line Doctor
Dr. Ali Hunt 
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Care Management in Disaster: A Primary Care Provider's Perspective
Candice Coursey, BA, MS, NP
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Approach to the Injured Patient in the Wilderness: Musculoskeletal Injury Management
Tony (Arthur) Islas, MD & Mike Chaves, MD
We will go over the on site evaluation of lower and upper extremity injuries including fracture and dislocations / relocations. We will also discuss appropriate treatment for neck injuries in the wilderness setting.

Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)
Tatiana Havryliuk, MD, FAWM
Why I replaced my stethoscope with POCUS, and you should too!
In this two hour lecture and hands on workshop, I will provide scenarios from my own experience working in remote areas and hypothetical cases where point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) was essential. We will discuss different applications of POCUS, what questions it can help answer, and what one should consider when traveling with a POCUS device in austere environments.